Thursday, October 20, 2005

Our Little Girl

We went to the doctor again and had another ultrasound. These are two of the pictures from that. I didn't include the last one because I couldn't really tell what it is and so I don't know how to describe it. The tech said it is a good footprint, but Donnie and I don't see it, so we left it off.

This is a shot of her profile. You can really see her cute face. Starting from the right side of the pic, you can see her forehead, then her little nose, and finally her lips. Maybe she'll have Ralston lips. The "hump" after her face is her rib cage. You can see the little lines of her ribs.

This one is a little blurred when we scanned it. It is a shot of her profile. She has her arm raised above her face. She kept bringing her arm up, but it seemed she didn't quite know what to do with it. We looked away to check out her heart and when we came back, her mouth was open and she had her hand there! I guess she did know what to do with those tiny little fingers.

She is now about 1 lb 7oz and 12 inches long. We are at 25 weeks, and we were told that genetics take over size development at about 28 weeks, so I guess we will see how big she'll grow. We are guessing she will be pretty large since I was 8 lbs 3.5 oz and I am a twin!

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