Wednesday, July 23, 2008

At Home

Now that we are back home with Sydney and Jax, she has decided that he’s not so bad. Sydney likes to help change his diapers and give him baths. She also likes to give him toys – even though he’s too small to play with them.

The thing she finds most intriguing is his “special baby milk.” She doesn’t understand why Jax doesn’t drink out of bottles. When I tried to explain to her that he’s little and little babies drink special baby milk from their mommies she wanted to try some too. Thankfully she stopped asking after about a week.

Sydney likes to kiss Jax’s feet, but the other day she took it one step further and bit his foot. He screamed and screamed. It was so sad. She screamed too, but only because she had to sit in time out. She tried to bite him again later, but bit my finger instead.

Her jealousy is showing in other ways too. She yells at Jax to “move over” when I’m holding him so that she can sit in my lap too. When I’m nursing him she tries to pull his head away from my breast so that he can’t eat. As soon as he falls asleep, she yells at me to put him in his bed.

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