Friday, March 23, 2007

Look Ma! No hands!

So Sydney has been crawling to the couch and pulling herself up since December, but she just won't let go and walk. She is a pro with the stairs and even climbs on to the couch to have a seat by herself, but the whole standing/walking thing eludes her.So we thought.

It's not a big deal as one of my brothers didn't walk until he was around the 17-month mark, and we thought Sydney was following in his footsteps. Tonight, however, she began to show signs beating his mark. She crawled over to Donnie's leg and pulled herself up to a standing position. Then she let go of his leg and just stood there - completely unsupported - for about 1 minute. We were so excited that she got a little scared and dropped to the ground, but SHE STOOD UP!


Antique Mommy said...

I remember thinking it seems like he is never going to walk and then the next thing you know they are running everywhere. Such a sweet victory to witness.

Amy said...

Sometimes I find myself wishing she would just get up and walk already! Then I remember how much she gets into when she's crawling and hope that she never walks!

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